A Connector’s Advent — reflections for 2019.
The 2019 Advent season is over, but it was a great right. Each day’s “Advent for connectors” reflected on a Scripture verse related to Christmas and most day ties it in to our call to reach, teach, and lead. In the latter portion I started incorporating stories about various characters in the Christmas story. And you’ve been warned, this isn’t what you grew up with (I might have referred to one person having sheep poop on his sandals once. Maybe.)
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Intro: John 1:14,16
Dec 1: Luke 19:10
Dec 2: John 5:44
Dec 3: Hebrews 13:20-21
Dec 4: Mark 10:45
Dec 5: 1 John 3:5,8
Dec 6: John 12:27-28
Dec 7: acts 3:22-26
Dec 8: acts 3:22-26
Dec 9: John 1:51
Dec 10: Luke 9:23-26
Dec 11: John 3:16-19
Dec 12: John 1:1
Dec 13: Acts 17:24-25
Dec 14: Romans 5:11
Dec 15: Matthew 1:19
The Bible doesn’t exactly say, “Joseph was a stud.” But it kinda does.