Roger Courville November 8, 2020 Reflection, Habakkuk, Current events, Culture Reflection: The song remains the same (Habakkuk) Roger Courville November 8, 2020 Reflection, Habakkuk, Current events, Culture Crazy week. Eternal hope. And Habakkuk in between.
Roger Courville August 20, 2020 1-2 Corinthians, Habakkuk, Psalms #1177: How are Habakkuk's complaints like ours? | 2 Corinthians 3 | Habakkuk | Psalm 128 Roger Courville August 20, 2020 1-2 Corinthians, Habakkuk, Psalms Habbakuk’s complaints sound a lot like contemporary objections. What, exactly, is the issue?
Roger Courville May 17, 2019 Habakkuk, Think like a casemaker #764: Habakkuk || Why your perfect answer backfires Roger Courville May 17, 2019 Habakkuk, Think like a casemaker You deliver the perfect casemaker response — and it bombs. Today we cover the psychology behind why that happens.