God’s saving promises to Israel; wrapping up the book of 2 Samuel.
What do people do when they have no hope? Or they put their hope in governments or careers or even…dare I say…their own social programs inside the church?
Well, just look around you.
I had big reminders this week. A distant great aunt passed away which was personal just to family, but also this the world lost a giant of an advocate for Jesus, Ravi Zacharias. And while they are having the reunion of their lives right about now, I am reminded that nothing we strive for here counts for anything outside of its relationship to eternity.
So…let’s dive into the words of the Author of eternity, shall we?
New covenant:
Passage: Romans 9
Translation: CSB (Christian Standard Bible)
Verses: 33
Words: ~722
Passage: Psalm 34
Translation: CSB (Christian Standard Bible)
Verses: 22
Words: ~361
Old covenant:
Passage: 2 Samuel 21-22
Translation: CSB (Christian Standard Bible)
Verses: 73
Words: ~2174
Love you!
ForTheHope is a daily audio Bible + apologetics podcast and blog. We’ve got a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.
Roger Courville, CSP is a globally-recognized expert in digitally-extended communication and connection, an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. Follow him on Twitter -- @RogerCourville and @JoinForTheHope – or his blog: www.forthehope.org.
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