#753: Hosea 1-5 || The dangerous gospel, part 1

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Subhead: Danger and the gospel go together. Today we begin a short series exploring how.

Intro: Christians? The most persecuted? Today’s report shares the background, and tomorrow we’ll look at what to do.

Bible segment: Read-through with The Bible Project
Hosea 1-5, NIV (New International Version)

Apologetics segment:

Even secular sources like Newsweek are reporting that the persecution of Christians is nearing the point of genocide.(1) And how do we know this isn’t just a bunch of Christian puffery? The article also says that Christianity is at risk of disappearing, and if you know your Bible and trust that Jesus is Lord, there is no risk of that.

Take action segment

  • Watch The Bible Project’s Hosea video below

  • Your personal prayer-reading: Psalm 122


Roger Courville, CSP is a globally-recognized expert in tech-assisted communications, an award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. A five-time entrepreneur and certified John Maxwell Team leadership coach, he now is focused on launching For The Hope, a daily Bible and apologetics podcast and training organization equipping on-the-go Christian ambassadors with competence and confidence for everyday conversations. Follow him on Twitter -- @RogerCourville and @JoinForTheHope – or his blog: www.forthehope.org


(1) Shane Croucher, "Persecution of Christians is Approaching Genocide Levels, Report Finds: Christianity 'Is At Risk of Disappearing'," Newsweek, May 3, 2019, accessed May 6, 2019, https://www.newsweek.com/persecution-christians-genocide-christianity-disappearing-report-1414038.