#747: Isaiah 49-51 || WWJAI (artificial intelligence)? Part 1

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Slug: Tech that learns and thinks? A biblical perspective.

Intro: It’s probably one thing to think that computers know and do stuff, but what about learning? What if they think? What if they feel?

I hope it’s obvious that what we do here means sharing things others have created, and that doesn’t mean I agree with or endorse all they do, but The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention has recently released Artificial Intelligence: A Statement of Principles, and it is something that every casemaker should be knowledgeable about.

Bible segment
Isaiah 49-51, ESV (English Standard Version)

Apologetics segment
What would Jesus AI (artificial intelligence)? 

Take Action
Your personal prayer-reading: Psalm 119:65-96




Sources and Resources

"Artificial Intelligence: A Statement of Principles," The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, April 11, 2019, accesses April 29, 2019, https://erlc.com/resource-library/statements/artificial-intelligence-an-evangelical-statement-of-principles.



Twitter & Instagram: @JoinForTheHope, #ForTheHope