Roger Courville October 24, 2019 Romans, Questions to ask, Think like a casemaker, Psalms #924: Romans 13-14 | "You can't legislate morality!" | Psalm 109 Roger Courville October 24, 2019 Romans, Questions to ask, Think like a casemaker, Psalms How do you respond when someone says, “You can’t legislate morality!?”
Roger Courville October 23, 2019 Romans, Current events, How to, Proverbs #923: Romans 11-12 | Life hermeneutics | Proverbs 11:1-13 Roger Courville October 23, 2019 Romans, Current events, How to, Proverbs Hermeneutics is the art and science of biblical interpretation. When it comes to kefuffles like John MacArthur’s comment about Beth Moore, how might we apply “life hermeneutics?”