What comes before Ruth? There's something we can all learn from the ordering of the Hebrew Bible.
#1244: What is unique about Christianity? | Revelation 22 | Ezekiel 39 | Proverbs 30-31:9
#1243: What is the “bride of Christ?” | Revelation 21 | Ezekiel 38 | Proverbs 29
#1242: Is the Old Testament God mean? | Revelation 20 | Ezekiel 37:15-28 | Proverbs 27:13-28:28
#1241: What is God's ultimate mark on you? | Revelation 19 | Ezekiel 36:16-37:14 | Proverbs 26:6-27:12
#1240: Should you “answer a fool?” | Revelation 18 | Ezekiel 35-36:15 | Proverbs 25:16-26:5
Sunday reflection: Expectations (Proverbs 5:18-19)
#1239: How should you act before a “king?” | Revelation 17 | Ezekiel 34 | Proverbs 24:23-25:15
#1238: Why would someone refuse to repent? | Revelation 15-16 | Ezekiel 33 | Proverbs 24:13-22
#1237: How do I get wisdom? | Revelation 14 | Ezekiel 32 | Proverbs 23:19-24:12
#1236: How does Satan imitate God’s reality? | Revelation 13 | Ezekiel 31 | Proverbs 22:10-23:18
#1235: What’s “slave to the lender” mean? | Revelation 12 | Ezekiel 30 | Proverbs 21:13-22:9
Today’s focus question is prompted by something we’ll read in Proverbs today, and asking the question “What does it mean when it says ‘a borrower is slave to the lender’?” is probably obvious on one level. But it sent me on a treasure hunt, and I’ll share with you the results of that little hunt in our Bottom Line segment today.
#1234: “Too big to fail?” | Revelation 10-11 | Ezekiel 29 | Proverbs 21:1-12
#1232: What do we say about the "rapture?" | Revelation 7 | Ezekiel 26-27 | Proverbs 20:24-30
#1231: What’s the nature of the “tribulation?" | Revelation 6 | Ezekiel 24-25 | Proverbs 20:20-23
#1230: Why three "holies?" | Revelation 4-5 | Ezekiel 23 | Proverbs 20:6-19
Just a warning as we get rolling today…Ezekiel 23 is, uh, not G-rated as it describes, again, the unfaithfulness of the people of Israel. But, before we get there, today we’re going to tackle two chapters of Revelation because they really go together, and I want you to get the sense of the whole scene. And while longtime listeners will know the answer to today’s focus question, it’s worth posting again…Why three “holies?” (as in “holy, holy, holy”).