
#1226: What is biblical shame? | 3 John | Ezekiel 16

#1226: What is biblical shame? | 3 John | Ezekiel 16

Ezekiel 16 is an allegory that is, frankly, graphic. And for good reason — God’s showing us in rather stark terms how it was He who blessed us, gave us all good things, and we cheated on him. Worse than that. And yet He continues to pursue….and to what end?

#1212: What's the problem with pragmatism? | John 11 | Lamentations 1 | Proverbs 18:10-17

#1212: What's the problem with pragmatism? | John 11 | Lamentations 1 | Proverbs 18:10-17

If someone were to say, “She is pragmatic,” there is probably a good chance that that would be a compliment. After all, the dictionary definition of adjective pragmatic is that it means you deal with something sensibly and realistically, practically rather than theoretically. In philosophy, pragmatism means something altogether different…

#1211: What does God want for you? | John 10 | Jeremiah 52 | Proverbs 17:21-18:9

#1211: What does God want for you? | John 10 | Jeremiah 52 | Proverbs 17:21-18:9

"What does God want for you?" could be a whole book unto itself. But today we’re going to examine it in light of our OT and NT segments, because it’s a message of hope — and more. More importantly, it’s a good reminder of truth in a world where almost-truth abounds, and it’s always profitable to focus for a moment on the thing that should make your heart sing.

#1204: What’s the irony of legalism? | John 4:43-5:47 | Proverbs 17:6-15

#1204: What’s the irony of legalism? | John 4:43-5:47 | Proverbs 17:6-15

Legalism is the improper excessive or improper use of the law. Remember, God’s call on us is to be holy like He is, so legalism is not simply the keeping of the law. We’re supposed to. Today, the irony.

#1191: What kind of reverence is proper? | 1 Peter 1 | Jeremiah 21-23:8

#1191: What kind of reverence is proper? | 1 Peter 1 | Jeremiah 21-23:8

Today in 1 Peter 1, pay attention today to the call to be holy — that’ll be a theme we’ll touch on in tomorrow’s Sunday Reflection. And two, today’s focus question is, “What kind of reverence is proper?”

What is cultural apologetics? A case for ambassadorship of the good, true, and beautiful

What is cultural apologetics? A case for ambassadorship of the good, true, and beautiful

What is cultural apologetics? A case for ambassadorship of the good, true, and beautiful with Dr. Paul Gould.

What can we really know about Jesus? (chapter summary of Questioning the Bible by Dr. Jonathan Morrow)

What can we really know about Jesus? (chapter summary of Questioning the Bible by Dr. Jonathan Morrow)

What can we know? Was Jesus a myth? And can we trust the Gospels as history?

Is the Bible Anti-Intellectual? (chapter summary of Questioning the Bible by Dr. Jonathan Morrow)

Is the Bible Anti-Intellectual? (chapter summary of Questioning the Bible by Dr. Jonathan Morrow)

Does believing the Bible mean checking your brains at the door? What is truth, reason, and faith? How should this affect our cultural engagement?