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*** SHOW NOTES (not a transcript) ***
Be like Jesus, right? This.
In short, as Professor Amy-Jill Levine writes a, “… the two canons tell a different story: the Old and New Testaments focus on salvation at the end-time, with the book of Revelation showing the rectification of the “fall” in Eden; the Tanakh speaks of returning to the homeland.”(1)
Separately, the book of Malachi is arranged as a series of six disputes, with God saying something, Israel responding poorly, and then God responding. Why? Israel has rebuilt the temple, but they are still a mess.
Finally, if you’re a CS Lewis fan, check out the 99 cent deal below.
Bible segment (read along with The Bible Project):
Passage: Malachi 3-4
Translation: ESV (English Standard Version)
Verses: 24
Words: ~758
Thinking/reflection segment:
“Humiliation of Christ -- A phrase used to speak of Jesus’ voluntary giving up of his glory as the Son of the Father in being born as a human, suffering and dying for the sake of humankind. Theologians have debated as to whether Christ’s humiliation includes a descent into hell after his death, but most are in agreement that Jesus’ life and death serve as the ultimate example of self-sacrifice for the sake of others.” (2)
Wisdom segment: none
Passage: Psalms 58-59
Translation: ESV (English Standard Version)
Verses: 28
Words: ~459
Love you!
Roger Courville, CSP is a globally-recognized expert in digitally-extended communication and connection, an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. Follow him on Twitter -- @RogerCourville and @JoinForTheHope – or his blog:
Sources and resources:
(1) Amy-Jill Levin, “What is the Difference between the Old Testament, the Tanakh, and the Hebrew Bible” Bible Odyssey (blog), Accessed August 3, 2019.
For all the CS Lewis fans, it’s only 99 cents: C. S. Lewis' Little Book of Wisdom: Meditations on Faith, Life, Love, and Literature