#849: 1 Chronicles 22-24 | Psalm 64-65

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*** SHOW NOTES (not a transcript) ***


David didn't get to build the temple, but that doesn't mean he isn't useful.


Yesterday we not only heard about David’s successful conquests, but his sin in taking a census and subsequent repentance. Given that a theme of Chronicles, unlike the parallel books of Samuel and Kings, paints David and his progeny in a positive light, this is interesting. But it IS in keeping with this more positive view — David shows deep remorse personally, but also shows deep concern for his people.

Today we continue the story of his prep for the other theme of Chronicles, the temple.


Bible segment (read along with The Bible Project):

Passage: 1 Chronicles 22-24
Translation: ESV (English Standard Version)
Verses: 82
Words: ~1612

Thinking/reflection segment:

Wisdom segment:

Passage: Psalm 64-65
Translation: ESV (English Standard Version)
Verses: 23
Words: ~377

Love you!


Roger Courville, CSP is a globally-recognized expert in digitally-extended communication and connection, an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. Follow him on Twitter -- @RogerCourville and @JoinForTheHope – or his blog: www.forthehope.org

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