1-2 Kings

#1136: Whose real estate? | Matthew 6 | 2 King 23:31-25 | Proverbs 12:2-3

#1136: Whose real estate? | Matthew 6 | 2 King 23:31-25  | Proverbs 12:2-3

I heard a financial teacher once say this. “Think about the words ‘real estate.’ Did you know that the word ‘real’ comes from the same place as the word ‘royal’ — and if you don’t think you belong to the king, just try not paying your taxes!”

Now I wouldn’t bet my life on that word study, but it’s a good reminder…and the source of today’s focus question…Whose real estate do you manage?

#1134: Which categories of human temptation did Jesus experience? | Matthew 4 | 2 King 20-22:13 | Psalm 20

#1134: Which categories of human temptation did Jesus experience? | Matthew 4 | 2 King 20-22:13  | Psalm 20

Today in Matthew 4 we hear what is perhaps a familiar story of the Devil tempting Jesus. What may not be quite so familiar is how the ways that that temptation happens actually tells a deeper story…and answers today’s focus question, “Which categories of human temptation did Jesus experience?”

#1132: Is typology lost on the spiritually blind? | Matthew 2 | 2 King 17 | Psalm 129 | Proverbs 11:23-28

#1132: Is typology lost on the spiritually blind? | Matthew 2 | 2 King 17 | Psalm 129 | Proverbs 11:23-28

“Typology is the perception of recurring patterns of action in salvation-history that are too “coincidental” to be attributed to any cause but God,” and they can involve people, events, or even institutions. But is it lost on the spiritually blind?

#1124: What's the first deadly sin? | 2 Timothy 4 | 2 Kings 4-5

#1124: What's the first deadly sin? | 2 Timothy 4 | 2 Kings 4-5

I’m guessing you’ve heard the phrase “seven deadly sins,” and that would not be surprising since a) it kinda rolls off the tongue and b) the idea has been around about 1500 years since the list was first created by Pope Gregory 1. So…