Looking past the weird stuff, there’s a great message here.
#928: 1 Corinthians 5-7 | Choose and be a... | Psalm 116
#927: 1 Corinthians 3-4 | Responding to self-refuting statements | Psalms 113-115
#926: 1 Corinthians 1-2 | Wait for it to click | Psalms 111-112
#925: Romans 15-16 | Reflection | Psalm 110
#924: Romans 13-14 | "You can't legislate morality!" | Psalm 109
God is good...all the time? An unlikely encounter.
#923: Romans 11-12 | Life hermeneutics | Proverbs 11:1-13
#922: Romans 9-10 | "I have a peace about it" | Psalm 108
#921: Romans 7-8 | Souls and persons | Psalm 107
#920: Romans 5-6 | Purposeful or driven? | Proverbs 10:19-32
#919: Romans 3-4 | Zooming | Proverbs 10:7-18
#918: Romans 1-2 | Idol to Gospel | Proverbs 10:1-6
When in dialogue with someone, how do you discover where they’re at and get them to the good news of the Christian worldview? Today we summarize Nancy Pearcey’s method from Finding Truth: 5 Principles for Unmasking Atheism, Secularism, and Other God Substitutes. #conversational apologetics #forthehope
#917: Acts 27-28 | Why Paul's martyrdom should give you hope
#916: Acts 25-26 | Why not right now? | Psalm 106
#915: Acts 23-24 | Sanhedrin, Sadducees, Pharisees | Psalm 105
#914: Acts 21-22 | Psalm 104
In today’s reading you’ll hear Paul make a speech to a mob, and he starts it by telling them he’s going to make a defense — an apologia, an apologetic. I just point this out, because as Christian casemakers I think it’s useful for us to see how a master apologist handles himself, including the way his reasoning and persuasion evolves depending on who he’s addressing.