In 1 John 4, John exhorts us to “test the spirits?” This presupposes both that there are spirits and that we can discern good from bad. A little reflection on that today…
Have you ever experienced what it’s like to have someone who is in authority over you fail as a person but not as a spiritual leader? Today, reflection, reminder, and hope.
One common objection you’ll hear about the New Testament is “…but it was put together by men hundreds of years later.” Here’s how geographic distance is part of dispelling that untruth. #conversationalapologetics #forthehope
The Bible doesn’t say “honor your parents” with qualifiers like “when they do all the right things.” So how do we honor even those who are dishonorable? And how might that extend to other relationships?
Why is 1 Corinthians 15 an important chapter when making a case for the truth claims of Christianity? More importantly, what is one bedrock idea you can share?